How do I get started?

To get started with a speech, language, feeding or occupational therapy evaluation and therapy scheduling process, please email us at to see if we have an opening that will work with your schedule. If so, please fill out the registration paperwork on the website found in FORMS.

In-Person Therapy:

We cannot take on children who are physically or behaviorally aggressive.  They may be referred for behavioral services before they can receive services at Holistic Kids, PLLC.  Children who scream often can be very disruptive to the other sessions that are being conducted so may be a better fit for teletherapy.

When requested, sessions may be recorded for home carryover.  Parents usually wait outside the therapy room and work closely with their child's therapist to support their growth and needs. Parent training is an essential to a child's progress.

Does my child need an assessment?

All children starting with Holistic Kids, PLLC will need a new assessment to develop an effective treatment plan to address the whole child's needs. 

What we will need from you before receiving therapy:

1) Registration Form

2) Most current IEP (less than 1 year old)

3) Most recent speech-language evaluation (less than 1 year)

4) Most recent occupational therapy evaluation (less than 1 year)

5) Psychoeducational evaluations, testing, behavioral reports

6) We may consult with other specialists who work with your child, ex. outside SLP, occupational therapy, ABA, etc. We practice a collaborative approach.

Please email for current pricing

This is a PRIVATE PAY only practice.  OUT OF NETWORK with most insurance companies.   We accept NC Medicaid Direct only.
Payment is due in full upon receipt of invoice.  We gladly accept payment in check, debit card, Health Savings Account or cash.   Holistic Kids, PLLC will not file insurance paperwork.